

Greetings from The Wall - message from Dave

Greetings all you wonderful people inĀ 
cyberspace!! :O))

As I raced around getting everything packed and ready for the European leg of the 'Wall' tour with Roger Waters, I kept thinking "I really must write a newsletter... it's been absolutely AGES"!!!!

And it isn't because nothing's happening!!!!!!! Far from it... these last fun-filled eight months really have just sky rocketed by!!!!!!!!

And so, as we settle into the touring routine after two incredible gigs in Lisbon I've managed to find a few quiet minutes in my hotel room in Madrid to finally make some notes of the written kind...

Roger Waters 'The Wall' tour
I guess some of you know that late last year I played guitar with Roger Waters on the amazing 'Wall' tour... we toured for over four months, visiting America, Canada and a couple of shows in Mexico... and what an AMAZING reaction!!!!

I think people have been waiting a long time for this one, and I have to say the stage show is absolutely incredible!!!! And, as we start the European leg I really can't wait for all my friends on this side of the pond to see it!!!!


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